The Papyrus of Ani -- Plate 1 For the explanation of the vignette of Ani and his wife, Tutu, standing before the table of offering — see my video on You Tube: The Papyrus of Ani, Plate 1 This page on my website contains the written meaning of the 28 vertical columns of hieroglyphs: Read columns from the bottom up:
MY VIDEOS ON YOUTUBE 1. Decipherment of Egyptian Hieroglyphs Lesson 1 2. Decipherment of Egyptian Hieroglyphs Lesson 2 3. Funeral Precession, Part 1 [Papyrus of Ani] 4. Funeral Precession, Part 2 [Papyrus of Ani] 5. Book of the Dead 6. Egyptian Doctrine of the Rebirth of the Sun [Son] 7. Papyrus of Ani, Part 1 8. Papyrus of Ani, Part 2